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Saturday, 8 December 2012

21. Public Service Broadcasting - Everest

  1. Everest
Spitfire (reviewed here), which came out in March, is probably the best song of the year. The EP it was on, The War Room, was new and interesting - I actually paid money for it. By now you'd hope the band would've evolved a bit, but Everest follows the format of its predecessor far too closely, to the point where it sounds like a parody of itself. The music is very good - I won't pretend that PSB aren't very good at making music - but J Willgoose, Esq. and Wrigglesworth haven't really taken the band in a new direction. Also, they look like twats. I wondered what the point of the song was, what it was trying to communicate to me. It might just be that it's a bloke from the fifties talking over some admittedly fairly catchy melodies. And that's been done. I'm pretty disappointed with this single (three irritating remixes are also available), but I'll buy the album when it comes out. I just hope that it's different somehow.

2012, Public Service Broadcasting

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