- Use Your Loaf
- Inside Out
- Under The Lash

One of my favourite bands, The Nightingales. They're often described as Birmingham's version of The Fall, which can't be a bad thing. Their first album,
Pigs On Purpose, is one of the best ever by anyone... alright then, download it
here, on someone else's blog. Is that good etiquette? The Nightingales' first single,
Idiot Strength, was not included on the reissue of the album, and as such I am yet to acquire it, so here's their second one. Brilliantly, they're still going today and released an album earlier this year -
No Love Lost - which you can hear on that Spotify they have now, and is actually rather good.
Use Your Loaf did not make it onto the Indie Charts, ludicrous when you look at the wonderful
lyrics... "The jokes were handed down like diseases". The Nightingales played more Peel Sessions than than any band other than The Fall and Half Man Half Biscuit (seven, to be precise) and also appeared on the famous indie compilation
Pillows And Prayers, with their song
Don't Blink. This is post-punk at its best.
1982, Cherry Red Records
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