- Ronnie O'Sullivan

Poor old Mick Price, the Nuneaton snooker player who never accomplished anything. Best known for sitting down, and watching Ronnie O'Sullivan clear the table in the quickest maximum of all time. This is an incredible break, one which only Ronnie could produce (good quality video
here), and it was only a matter of time before it was set to an avant-garde, and oddly moving soundtrack. If you're not a fan of snooker, it might be useful to know a bit about Ronnie O'Sullivan: perhaps the most talented snooker player ever, he accomplished far less than he should have. He was a major championship winner at 17, and could play with the speed and flair that made Jimmy White so popular. Crucially, though, Ronnie wasn't a bottler and went on to win four World Championships, playing right-handed and left-handed. He is, of course, completely mad, a perfectionist and highly self-critical. His dad was five years into an 18 year stretch for murder when he made this break, which I'm sure didn't help. Ronnie threatened to give up the game every year, before finally doing so in June. He suffers from clinical depression and has had problems with drugs. The song only works with the video, so set aside seven minutes and listen to it - don't just put it on in the background. I don't know anything else about Lime Headed Dog, but I love them for producing this masterpiece.
Thanks to @HodgkinsonJohn for the suggestion